Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Pigeon pose, also known as Eka Pada Rajakapotasana, is a powerful hip-opening posture that offers numerous benefits. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or a beginner, practicing Pigeon Pose can enhance your flexibility, relieve tension, and prepare your body for deeper stretches and backbends.
How to Do Pigeon Pose:
Starting Position:
Begin in Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana).
Lift your right leg up into Down Dog Split.
Bend your right knee and bring it forward, placing it on the outside of your right hand.
Your right shin may angle back toward your left hip or be more parallel to the front of your yoga mat, depending on your flexibility.
Release your left knee to the mat, ensuring your left leg is flat on the floor.
Square your hips toward the front of your mat.
Use padding (a folded blanket or gym towel) under your right hip if needed for comfort.
Forward Bend:
If stable, lower your torso into a forward bend over your right leg.
Keep your hips square and weight balanced equally on both sides.
If intense, use a blanket or block under your hip or back knee.
Reach your forehead toward the floor and breathe into any tightness.
Come back up, aligning your hands with your hips.
To exit, curl your left toes under and step back into Downward Facing Dog.
Repeat the pose on the other side.
Benefits of Pigeon Pose:
Hip Opener: Pigeon pose targets the hips, stretching the thighs, groin, piriformis, and psoas.
Back Relief: It strengthens the back and eases back pain.
Heart Chakra Activation: Pigeon pose is said to open up the heart chakra, promoting emotional balance.
Remember to practice mindfully, respecting your body’s limits. As you explore Pigeon Pose, breathe deeply, and allow the stretch to unfold gently. Happy yoga! 🙏