Journaling as Therapy: A Path to Personal Healing

The Therapeutic Power of Journaling

Journaling is more than just a method to record daily events; it’s a gateway to deeper self-understanding and emotional healing. The act of putting pen to paper allows individuals to express thoughts and feelings that might be difficult to articulate verbally. This process can serve as a form of self-therapy, providing a safe space to explore personal challenges, reflect on experiences, and clarify one’s thoughts and emotions.

Self-Reflection and Growth Through journaling, people can track their personal growth over time. It’s a reflective practice that encourages mindfulness and presence in the moment. By regularly writing down one’s experiences, individuals can identify patterns in their behavior and thought processes, leading to greater self-awareness. This heightened awareness is the first step towards making intentional changes and fostering personal development.

Managing Stress and Anxiety

Journaling can be a powerful tool in managing stress and anxiety. It allows for the release of pent-up emotions and serves as a coping mechanism during difficult times. Writing about stressful events helps to lessen their emotional impact and can provide a new perspective on the situation. For many, journaling is a way to navigate through life’s ups and downs with a clearer mind and a calmer heart.

Enhancing Creativity and Problem-Solving

The open-ended nature of journaling encourages creativity and problem-solving. It’s a space where there are no rules, and one can freely explore ideas without judgment. This creative freedom can lead to innovative solutions to problems and inspire new ways of thinking. Additionally, journaling can unlock the subconscious mind, revealing insights and ideas that might not surface in everyday thought.

A Lifelong Companion

Journaling is a companion that grows with you. It’s a practice that can be adapted to fit any stage of life and can be as varied as the individual who keeps it. Whether it’s a few lines a day or pages of in-depth exploration, journaling is a flexible and accessible form of therapy that can support one’s mental health journey for a lifetime.

Journaling is a simple yet profound tool that offers numerous therapeutic benefits. It’s a practice that fosters self-awareness, aids in stress management, sparks creativity, and supports continuous personal growth. As a form of self-guided therapy, it’s a resource that is always available, providing comfort and clarity through the power of written words.

Different types of journaling therapy include:

  • Gratitude journaling: writing down things one is thankful for.

  • Reflective journaling: reflecting upon and analyzing one's thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy journaling: identifying and challenging negative thoughts and beliefs, and replacing them with positive ones.

  • Health journaling: tracking one's physical and mental health, symptoms, treatments, and progress.

  • Goal journaling: setting and reviewing personal or professional goals, and planning the steps to achieve them.

  • Reappraisal journaling: reframing stressful or upsetting situations in a more positive or constructive way.

  • Counseling journaling: writing about one's counseling sessions, insights, and homework assignments.

  • Self-compassion journaling: expressing kindness and understanding towards oneself, especially in times of difficulty or failure.

SomatoEmotional Release

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Most of us go through a traumatic event at some point in our lives. Whether it’s emotional or physical, it takes time for your body and mind to heal. Many people find that while physical symptoms may subside, the emotional component has to be healed too before your body can fully move on from the trauma. If the emotional part isn’t addressed, it can quickly manifest as residual negative energy in your body that follows you throughout your life.

You may not always realize the energy is there or that the problem is still bothering you years down the road. This is normal, but it can have huge effects on your health and happiness. Whether the trauma was an injury or other event in your childhood or adult life, the experience can trap energy in your body long after healing. While your body may learn to handle that energy over time, stress may cause residual distress symptoms to flare up, which can be hard to ignore.

If you’ve faced a traumatic event, a SomatoEmotional Release (SER) session may be what you need to start healing for good.

What is SomatoEmotional Release?

SER is defined as a therapeutic technique to help rid the mind and body of symptoms of trauma associated with a negative experience. Practitioners like myself take a mind-body approach to find out how that trapped emotional energy caused by the trauma is influencing your health.

Osteopathic physician Dr. John Upledger and biophysicist Dr. Zvi Karni founded the concept of SER in the 1970s. In their osteopathic research, they learned that the body holds in “physical forces and the emotional energy that comes with it due to some type of trauma.” When you experience trauma, an “energy cyst” is created, leading to symptoms of pain even after your body tries to heal itself.

SER is often used in combination with CranioSacral Therapy (CST). SER is the process of releasing emotional memories stored in the body while CST uses light bodywork to relax the body and pinpoint the areas causing you concern. SER is introduced in a session when those tense spots are identified. From there, I use light bodywork and dialogue to help you identify the source of the energy cysts.  

SER/CST practitioners tend to be more experienced and have a much higher skill level than CST practitioners alone. I’ve been practicing CST since April 2014 and SER since April 2016, helping people overcome issues in their past so they can move on.

In my time as a practitioner, I’ve noticed that while each person handles stress differently, SER is a great way for the body to break old habits and figure out how to heal itself. I facilitate healing though SER by responding to what the body needs so you can fully move on from your trauma.

How It Can Help You

I know that sometimes it feels like something is wrong but you just don’t know what. That is most likely stored negative energy that has survived through a traumatic event such as the following:

·      Depression

·      Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

·      Social anxiety

·      Physical injury

·      Divorce

·      Emotional, physical or sexual abuse

Often times, this trauma can prevent you from moving on even if you don’t realize it. It can keep you trapped in your past and even your childhood. Using SER, you can get in touch with what I like to call your “inner physician,” meaning that your body has the tools it needs to heal itself and tell you what’s wrong so you can address it.

SER isn’t a one-time service that makes your negative energy go away. It’s a healing process that brings you deeper into yourself so you can overcome trauma. While you can’t change the past, you can change the grip that trauma has over your mind, body, and spirit.

In your SER session, I will focus on helping you become more aware of your inner self. After your body expels the energy cysts, your mind, body, and spirit will feel at peace, ready to return to health and happiness.   

What to Expect in a Session

When you come for an SER session at Blue Moon Healing Arts, you’re in a safe environment and can feel okay to express any emotions that may arise. At the beginning of your session, I will ask a few questions to get to know you and your body better and see if you have any pressing concerns.

Once you are ready and I understand your session goals, you will have the option to relax on your back or stomach. I suggest wearing comfortable clothes so I can maneuver your body and listen carefully to what it’s saying. Your comfort is very important. You will have the option to cover yourself with a blanket if it’s more comfortable for you.

I will start at your feet and gently work my way up your body, listening to changes in the CranioSacral rhythm. When the rhythm stops, I will pause and massage that spot as that is where your troubles originate. During the massage, I will ask you questions to help you visualize what is bothering you and get you in touch with your inner physician.

Throughout the session, I will use a combination of SER, CST, and standard massage therapy. Essential oils may be used to help relax and heal you naturally. You may experience memories of the trauma and heightened emotions as the negative energy is released. This is normal. After the session, you can expect a feeling of lightness as if a large weight has been removed from your shoulders.

Once the session is complete, you will get up from the table slowly, and we will talk about my findings and how you can use what you learned to heal for good.

Our bodies carry us through all parts of life. They deserve to be honored. Practice self-care and do things that make you happy. Whatever your goals are, SER has one simple purpose: to help you feel free again.

Have you experienced a SomatoEmotional Release session with me before? I’d love to hear your thoughts about it in the comments.


If you are new to Blue Moon and you are currently experiencing emotional or physical trauma, book an appointment with me today at (831) 359-8395! You won’t regret it.

What is CranioSacral Therapy

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CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is becoming a popular method to treat chronic and short-term pain in the body. Whether you are experiencing emotional trauma or physical pain, CST can help you achieve the results you want in a way that traditional medicine can’t do alone.  

Defined as a gentle, non-invasive massage technique that relieves pain and pressure, CST helps your body work from the inside out to self-correct what is causing you pain.

Using their hands, CranioSacral Therapists gently look for disturbances in the cranial sacral rhythm to pinpoint restrictions in the body. Once they identify the areas facing tension, they can come up with a plan to heal them.  

People go through CST for many reasons including the following:

·      “I’m experiencing pains in my body.”

·      “I get migraines a few times per month.”

·      “I recently went through a traumatic event and am not sure how to cope.”

If you agreed with any of the statements above, CST might be right for you, and you’re not alone. Patients from all age groups try CST every year to reduce pain or tension, whether they are a newborn or an adult aged 65+.

We know there is a lot of information about CST online, which can be confusing, so we are here to break it down for you.

History of CranioSacral Therapy

Osteopath William Sutherland developed the cranial osteopathy field in the 1930s. He noticed that when there were restrictions in the head or bones, there could be effects throughout the whole body. He went on to study at The American School of Osteopathy in the 1940s to broaden his research.

Dr. John E. Upledger took Sutherland’s discoveries further to see how they could help people. Upledger conducted a series of scientific studies between 1975 and 1983 at Michigan State University, where the well-known osteopathic physician worked as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics. As he studied the cranial osteopathy field and saw what it could do, he founded CranioSacral Therapy as we know it today.

Upledger took what Sutherland had discovered about cranial osteopathy’s connection to the body and dived into the mechanics, identifying this part of the body as the “craniosacral system.” He then focused on developing training for osteopaths, medical doctors, physical therapists, acupuncturists, massage therapists, and more to help their clients and patients.

With Upledger’s training, we now know more about how the body works to heal itself than ever before.

Benefits of Treatment

When you’re going through a CST session, the therapist’s goal is to release compression and restrictions in your body so it can work the right way. These restrictions are notably found in the craniosacral system, which consists of membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that protect the brain and spinal cord. These restrictions can inhibit the central nervous system, causing you pain or tension. However, when these restrictions are released, the central nervous system functions properly.

CST encourages the body to heal naturally and is therefore used as a preventative health measure for people facing pain or dysfunction. It eases tension in the body including nerve restrictions. Once the restrictions are released, the body is able to heal itself.

CST is found to treat a variety of health problems including but not limited to:

·      Back and neck pain

·      Migraines

·      Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

·      Chronic fatigue

·      Stress and anxiety

·      Concussions

·      Muscle and joint pain

·      Fibromyalgia

·      Spinal cord injuries

With CST’s approach to freeing the central nervous system to perform its best, it naturally eliminates pain and stress, strengthens your resistance to disease, and enhances your health and overall wellbeing.

What a Typical Session Involves

A typical session will begin with a discussion of your health concerns with your therapist. Once a brief health history is established, you will talk about your goals with the session. Your therapist will check in to make sure you are comfortable at all times. You will be fully clothed throughout the session and may go from a chair to a massage table depending on the scope of work involved.

A session may last anywhere from thirty minutes to one and a half hours depending on your needs. To make sure the session is successful, be open with your therapist about your concerns and goals. Try to relax so your therapist can listen to your body more closely and really focus to make you feel better. During the session, the therapist will gently touch parts of your body that need attention, listening to bodily rhythms to decide on which parts need attention first.

After the session, your therapist will check in with you to see how you feel. Together you will decide how many more sessions are needed to help you achieve your desired results.

CST is designed to not only target key parts of the body experiencing pain but to encourage your body to self-correct for long-term results. No matter what your goals are, CranioSacral Therapy can help.

Have you tried CranioSacral Therapy before? Please share your experience in the comments below.

If you’re experiencing pains in your body, come visit the ONLY certified CranioSacral clinician in the Walla Walla. Book an appointment with Kristi Schreiner-Huffey, CST, LMP, MSW. You won’t regret it!